Monday, February 3, 2014

Bumpdate 17 weeks!

How far along:  17 weeks!


Baby size:  Baby G is about the size of an onion and weighing in at around 5 ounces and is about 5 inches long from head to bottom.  The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and he/she can move the joints and the sweat glands are starting to develop.

Maternity Clothes:  Belly band with all pants, one pair of maternity dress pants and a cute shirt from Old Navy.  My next purchase is going to be a pair of jeans and a few shirts that will get me through the next few months.

Sleep:  Not very good, I just cannot get comfortable and I wake up many times in the middle of the night.  I may be investing in a pregnancy pillow that lots of blog ladies have recommended.

Gender:  Not sure yet, February 21st is the date!  Mr. G and I have enjoyed reading the gender predicting "Old Wives Tails" and it is pretty much split down the middle.

Movement:  Movement is debatable right now; I swear I felt the baby once about two weeks ago.  However, our doctor insists that I won't feel anything until around 20 weeks since it is my first baby.

Best moment this week:  We purchased a changing table (pic) and having it in the nursery makes both of us smile each time we see it.  Mr. G and I are excited to continue working on the nursery...there are so many cute items out there.


Looking forward to:  Knowing if Baby G is a he or a she and working on the nursery!  And also, I have a weekend away with friends this coming weekend and I'm pretty excited:)

Food cravings:  Still loving orange juice!  I have also been on a grilled cheese sandwich kick, the Panini maker has been getting a lot of use.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really.

Labor Signs:  Absolutely not!

What I miss:  Yesterday I had brunch with my sisters and my younger sister had a bloody mary that looked awesome!  Made me miss it, just a little;)

Symptoms:  I'm getting a little clumsier; I have noticed that I am a little off balance at times.  Increased appetite...snacking is the part of the new normal, little aches and pains (mainly in my hips and rump).  My tummy is getting a little hard in places, just another sign of Baby G getting bigger.

Nursery:  Changing table, 2 pair of shoes, 2 outfits, baby monitor, some picture frames and Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal.  Mr. G's brother and SIL have a basket of books waiting for us to pick up; Baby G is set with reading material for a while.

Wedding rings on or off:  On

Mood:  Very happy to be in the second trimester and feeling good...however, I have been a little tempermental lately.  There have been some tears shed for silly reasons, I guess the saying "don't cry over spilled milk" was meant for pregnant women.

With love,

Mrs. G

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