Friday, September 27, 2013


One thing I have learned in our short time being married is not to bombard my wife with random information as soon as she gets up or as soon as she gets home.  To clarify, I'm up super early and usually scour my phone for news and current events while my wife likes to sleep.   And by news I mean I go to headlines, sports, entertainment and random Wikipedia pages just for S&G's.*

While I feel my wife and I share similar interests, it turns out that not everything I feel is interesting is going to matter at all to her.  For instance, I was reading about an island off of Sweden called Aland this morning.  While I find this fascinating, she and about 99.9% of the population outside of the people living on this stupid island would care.  My point is, as soon as she opens her eyes from hopefully I good night's slumber, not to be right in her face about the island of Aland.  (And maybe not mention it all actually.)  Also, if I read about something that is of similar interest that both of us would enjoy like, Kanye West's rant about Jimmy Kimmel, I should wait to bombard her with this info until later in the morning.  She, like everyone else in this world, needs time to wipe the sleep out of their eyes and wake up on their own without some idiot talking about God knows what.

I feel this goes upon her arrival home from work and what could be a nasty commute.  For instance, our neighbor pisses us both off.  She's a hoarder, a bitty, etc etc and won't stay out of our business.  Pretty much harmless for a 77 year old woman other than being annoying.  It's best not to bombard my beloved with a story about our neighbor complaining to me that the branches on our tree or overlapping her lot as soon as she walks in the door. (I will not cut those branches!!!!  Unless or course my wife tells me to.)  Again, people need time to come home decompress for awhile, let the frustration go from work and the commute.  If I bombard her with random stories it's just going to annoy her.  The same if she did it to me and I think this goes for everyone.

While thinking about this post, I was reminded of something I read long ago from the 50's called The Good Wife's Guide.  Please be clear, I am not in agreement with this article however there is a part that mentions not bombarding your husband (and in this case, your spouse)  with complaints from the day.  Once again, I don't agree with this post, however apparently I share a similar opinion yet maybe not so sexist.

(BTW, I don't think my wife would like the part about "Don't complain if he's late for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through at work.")


Mr. G

*Shits and Giggles

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! So true my dear, I hate to be bombarded when waking up!! And just to clarify, our relationship does not follow "The Good Wife's Guide" but it was definitely an interesting read:)

    Mrs. G
