Monday, October 27, 2014

Olivia Renae Elizabeth - 1 month!

Our baby girl is 1 month old - I cannot believe it! 

Both Mr. G & I feel that a little bit of the "newborn haze" lifted slightly at 2 weeks and even more by 1 month.  We are getting the hang of this parenting thing and it is an absolutely incredible journey. 

Weight:  I am not 100% sure but I think she was around 9.5 lbs
Height:  No idea...I will only update this after her well checks at the pediatrician
Hair:  Still dark brown and lots of it, she is not losing any of it and I hope she doesn't.  We get comments everywhere we go about the amount of hair she has.
Eyes:  Still very dark but I noticed just the slightest of lightening, who knows could be blue...could be brown.
Clothes:  She can wear some newborn items but mostly 0-3 months.  All of her 0-3 month sleepers are huge on her.

Diapers:  Newborn Huggies snugglers

Sleeping:  Olivia is sleeping in the pack n play at the end of our bed and wakes up to eat every three hours, I think this is good as I typically get a nice 2 hour stretch if I take back to back feedings.

Eating:  She eats 2-3 ounces of formula every three hours, we started with the tommy tippee bottles but she did not like them.  We now have Dr. Browns and she is eating like a champ, barely any dribbles down her chin.

Likes:  Snuggles...lots and lots of snuggles!

Dislikes:  Bath time, being wet or dirty and being hungry

Milestones:  The first month is so much about sleeping, eating and pooping; I'm not sure about milestones.  She is gaining some serious neck strength and I think we may be getting just the slightest smiles out of her.

Momma's memories:  I love the snuggles all day, there isn't anything better than Olivia finishing a bottle and snuggling into me.  I love that she recognizes my voice and knows who her momma is.

Here are a couple of cute pictures of our girl from her first month:)

**I had to catch up and write this after Olivia's 1 month birthday, my memory is a little fuzzy, thanks to sleep deprivation, but I think I came close.

With love,


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