Baby Size: Head to rump Baby G is 5 1/2 inches long and weighs approximately 7 ounces. Baby G is about the size of a sweet potato. Baby G is busy flexing his/her arms and legs, hiccupping and yawning; something that I hope to feel soon! His/her ears are in their final position and we are encouraged to talk to Baby G so he/she recognizes our voices at birth. It is likely that the gender of Baby G could be identified now, but we still have a couple of weeks to wait.
Maternity Clothes: Last Friday my older sister, my niece and I made a trip to the local Motherhood Maternity Outlet store. I'm so glad that we have an outlet store here in Minnesota, I got some great deals! We had a blast, I tried on lots of clothes...some with the 7 month bump...which was a lot of fun. I purchased 2 pair of jeans, a pair of dress pants, 4 shirts and a dress; the best part is I didn't spend a fortune. When I tried on the maternity clothes I felt 100% better, it felt so good to be in clothing that fit...and I felt cute!! Winning!
Sleep: I am continuing to attempt to sleep on my side, most of the time I end up flat on my back after a while. Sleep has been hit and miss the last week.
Gender: Only two more weeks!! I'm busy preparing for the gender reveal party, I cannot wait.
Movement: I have read that if you want to feel movement you should drink some cold orange juice and lay down to relax, Mr. G and I tried that last week...I didn't feel anything. Oh well, soon enough. Our doctor insists that I won't feel anything until around 20 weeks, first time moms have a hard time identifying the difference between gas and first time kicks.
Best moment this week: Purchasing some maternity clothing that fits and feels great!
Looking forward to: Knowing if Baby G is a he or she and working on the nursery.
Food Cravings: Still loving orange juice!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Labor Signs: Absolutely not!
What I miss: Nothing much.
Symptoms: I'm getting a little clumsier; I've noticed that I am a little off balance at times. Increased appetite...snacking is a must, little aches and pains (mainly in my hips and rump). The "bump" is making a bit of an appearance:)
Nursery: Changing table, 2 pair of shoes, 2 outfits, 2 bottles, baby monitor, some picture frames, Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal and a basket of books.
Wedding rings on or off: On however, I also have my great grandmother's wedding set on my right hand and that is starting to get tight. I think that one will be off and in our safe deposit box prior to my wedding set.
Mood: Very happy to be in the second trimester and feeling good...however, I have been a little tempermental lately. Okay...truthfully I have been downright moody! The littlest things irritate me and then I feel bad for getting irritated and I cry. Sheesh!
With love,
Mrs. G
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