Friday, November 28, 2014

Olivia Renae Elizabeth - 4 months!


Weight:  Olivia weighs 15 lbs 1 oz 

Height:  25 inches

Hair:  Still has crazy hair!  It is everywhere...clean, dirty...crazy all the time!  I'm not sure what color it is going to be, some days it looks blonde and some a little darker.

Eyes:  Blue like her momma's...yay!

Clothes:  All over the board, it completely depends on the brand.  In Carter's she is in 6 months with a little room to grow into, in most other items she is in 3-6 months.  I did notice some of the Gerber 3-6 month onesies are too small.  I am packing items away each week as she grows so fast!

Diapers:  We moved her up right around the 3 month mark; so now she is in Huggies size 2 snugglers.  We have a box of 180 size 2 snugglers, I believe we will get through those and probably have to think about size 3.

Sleeping:  Right around the 4 month mark we started to see some sleep issues popping up, mostly that she would wake herself up with her arms and legs during the night.  Once she was awake she wouldn't be able to get herself relaxed again and would start to cry.  Mr. G & I are not at the point where we are comfortable letting Olivia "cry it out" more than a few minutes (and by few, I mean likely 2 minutes...ha ha!). After a few nights of really bad sleep for everyone I was doing research at 3am and decided that we needed a Merlin Magic Sleep Suit.  Mr. G bought one the next day and let me tell you...those things are MAGIC!  She is sleeping so well and the suit just seems to relax her.  Naps are still fairly inconsistent, she takes 3-4 naps and they range from 25 minutes to 1.5 hours.  I've been told that daytime sleep will get more consistent as she gets older...I'm hoping.

Eating: She eats about 28 ounces of formula every day, she takes an 8 ounce bottle first thing in the morning and then 3 additional 7 ounce bottles every 4 hours. Still loving the Dr. Browns bottles.

Likes:  She loves her play mat, this girl goes nuts when we put her on it.  She kicks and swats at her toys and squeals with delight.  Tummy time is getting a little better by the day, she will tolerate it for about 10 minutes...better than the 2 minute stretches before.  She LOVES her dads hair, if he is playing with her she will look at his hair and laugh and talk to it.  It is absolutely hilarious to watch.  We have also put up her exersaucer and she loves it!

Dislikes:  She doesn't have any major dislikes at the moment, nothing that makes her scream at least.

Milestones:  Olivia is talking a lot more each day, it is so fun to listen to her squawk and squeal...sometimes it even sounds like little words.  She smiles a ton and loves to try to sit up on her own, we are there to help but it won't be long before she is strong enough to do it on her own.  She has also rolled over a handful of times but she basically only does it when she really wants to, so we can go a week or two without seeing her do it.

Momma's memories:  She continues to develop her own little sweet personality.  She absolutely loves her mom and dad, we love that she wants us over basically anyone else.  When I go in to get her up in the morning she greets me with a giant smile and usually a squeal with delight, it makes me so happy.

Here are some fun pics:

With love,


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